I often find the need to stick headers on my microcontroller projects, and I've come to prefer right-angle headers, as opposed to the traditional straight header, due to their unobtrusive, low-profile. Since right-angle headers are usually in low-supply, here's a couple of ways to make or acquire them from parts you probably have lying around. (The peripheral in the pictures is the LIS3LV02DQ 3-axis accelerometer)
We start with two pieces of straight header
We want the result to look something like this
Place the two straight headers at a right-angle, and tack solder each set of pins
Now, slide off the connecting plastic from one side. The pins may twist from side-to-side, don't worry.
The result should look something like this
Complete soldering pins to PCB. (I use a piece of scrap perf-board to make sure the pins point straight up)
The completed result.
Another angle.
Salvage headers from an old sound-card (Thanks, Purdue Surplus!)
Carefully, pull off the plastic connector
Apply a bit of flux to the pin pad
"Push" the pins through with a soldering iron
Flip the board over, and continue extracting the pins
Go make something!
I LIKE this DIY idea! I've never thought of it!!
Thanks for the nice photos and the technique!!
geophone.py link no longer works.
good post :)
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